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December, 2012

Discussion: King Apophis and Hippos?

By  (4 responses)

July, 2012

Photo request: Pepy 1 and his son in the Cairo Museum

By Kate Phizackerley  (4 responses)

Does anyone have a photo of Babi?

By Andrea  (2 responses)

London hieroglyph course September/October?

By Andrea  (one response)

March, 2012

Looking for a hieroglyph teacher, south coast, England

By Kate Phizackerley  (2 responses)

February, 2012

Information on Sarwat Okasha

By Kate Phizackerley  (one response)

Ethnic origin of Ramesses I?

By Kate Phizackerley  (9 responses)

January, 2012

Question about healthcare facilities

By  (4 responses)